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A Quirky Crooked House

I bought my house after seeing it once. I then buggered off to work in LA for a month during which time we completed a very quick purchase. I had to turn down a shoot in Hollywood because I had to go home to pack and move. Walking into the house that was now mine I was filled with terror. What the hell? I owned this house I'd seen once. Instead of celebrating I only saw what was wrong with it. I didn't notice those cracks before, I thought, I didn't notice that sloping floor. What had I done? I got our structural surveyor to come back and quizzed him. He assured me the house was settling. "SETTLING?" I said. "It's 100 years old! How long does it need to settle for?" I wasn't convinced. I lived in the house. I pushed the dread back into the corners of my mind. But now and then it came sneaking back out to torment me. Your house is falling down Aimee. It might collapse if you jump up and down. Don't do that exercise video. When the hou

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